Scouted Strengths are : Good hockey sense with well rounded decision making in the offensive zone, when on his game extremely effective and dominant in all three zones.
Scouted Weaknesses: Mitigated play in his zone, skating and speed needs to improve dramatically
Our conclusion: Hardest Habs training prospect ... ever ...
Q - During your draft year I remember the fateful words from one of the Blue Jackets scouts being : Injury prone. However any critics were quickly silenced after your last brilliant year in junior, talk to us about the spark that led you to the Habs organization.
A - I've always been one to shut out that kind of criticism and work as hard as I can. Hockey is in some ways an extreme contact sport and sure I've had my small share of injuries, but I've never given up, I persevered and worked as hard as I could, never considered quitting, and stuff happens when you show your that kind of guy.
Q - I was impressed to find out you have a bit of a following on the internet, some hockey fans see you as a passer but from what I've observed your not that far removed from being a pure sniper how do you see your game ?
A - Well ... I don't really consider myself a spectacular player, I've noticed allot of my goals come from about 15 feet out, I guess I've got a good eye for the net ... do I ?
Q - Most memorable goal ?
A - Oh ... ask some of the Halifax Mooseheads, I remember at my last year I deked about 4 guys to put one in ... that was a good one
Q - Talk to us about your year in Cincinnati, what were your expectations, personal objectives ?
A - Well ... at first dissapointed to be there, I mean it sucks to realise your at the bottom step and the way up is pretty high, it took a while to get used to that city, I really badly wanted to get back to Hamilton and played my heart out to get there, the funny thing is that Cincinnati is forever in m heart now that we've clinched the Kelly cup, thats something that never goes away ...
Q - Questionning some scouts about you the '' plus's '' were unanimous, a great shot, creates his own chances, the minus's were skating a defensive play , how do you describe your own game and progression ?
A - Well there's no doubt I consider myself as an offenisve zone kinda guy, it's been following me around since minor hockey, but ... I've definitly been increasingly aware of my play without the puck, sure it's fun in the minors to score goals but thats not what takes you to the NHL level, I'm pretty confident I've progressed on that aspect and all the others too !
Q - Meeting Timmins, he mirrored your words when talking about the improvement in your game, did the Habs insist ( or put an emphasis ) on you improving one aspect of your game ?
A - Well not really, just gain more confidence in the defensive zone, I definitly want to show them I am a more complete player.
Q - How did your training go this summer ?
A - Wow ! Well I'm at it 5 days a week off and on the ice, I'm being trained by Pierre Allard in St-Hilaire and followed a load of classes with Scott Livingston at the Bell Centre to rehabilitate a bit, everything has been going on brilliantly
Q - Objectives for 2009 ?
A - Well off the bat, Full time member of the Bulldogs, Habs camp is a about to start so I won't set too lofty goals, just work my brains off ...
Q - Who was your idol growing up ? do you model your play after a player in particular ?
A - Funny enough my big brother David-Alexander growing up, everyone thought after his accident his career would be over, and 2-3 months later he's back on the ice, it was so inspiring for me, He is the ultimate warrior ( To read the Sports Illustrated story, click here )
As for a player in particular ... I don't know ... some people have compared me to Michael Ryder
but I disagree, they are who they are, I am who I am.
Q - What sticks are you using ?
A - Heard about Ballistick hockey sticks ? brand new company ! the curbe is ... well a bit of a Joe Sakic curve ...
Q - Skates ?
A - Those new Rbk 9 skates, I like them sharpened very lightly, never liked a deep cut !