Q - Ryan any essentials the coaching staff asked you to keep an eye on ?
A - Always improving stuff like skating, stick handling and positioning, going from high school to a camp with guys who are pretty much full time on allot of this time definitely opens your eyes to what you tend to do right or wrong.
Q - Trevor and a couple of other observers say that some aspects of your game already look NHL ready while others still need a bit of polishing, anything in particular you think will be the focus of your training this year ?
A - Meeting the staff here, It was a relief to hear that there isn't one aspect in particular that I'm going to have to focus on, just raising the level on allot of stuff, making sure I can compete and get my game to the next level.
Q - Any chance on you getting a couple of french classes in this fall ?
A - ( laughing ) Oui ... for sure !
Q - How is the freshman year shaping out to be ? looking forward to a new environment ?
A - There is going to be allot of competition and allot of guys with allot to prove, I hope I can make my way into being a go to guy as soon as possible !